Why do people send you referrals?
According to John Jantsch, it’s because people are physiologically prewired to refer one another. Happy clients refer Realtors® because they HAVE to. His (August ’11 Texas Realtor article) meeting someone’s needs for a recommendation to a good movie (or Realtor®) is ‘Social Currency’.
This suggests that YOU have a NEED to help people find their way. So a referral to a good restaurant may be human instinct and may extend from when a good recommendation in the past would lead someone to a good hunting ground. So, would Real Estate Referrals be linked to life or death reflexes?
So when is your ‘Social Currency’ no good?
According to Gary Keller, Lead Generation is every Real Estate Agent’s first priority. Without Plenty of Good Leads your Real Estate Business is defunct. He teaches you to develop Referrals as a course of business. That certainly sounds right… Systematic Referrals for lead generation.
When does systematic lead generation Break down?
What about all the fads, distractions and lack of follow through? When do the high-tech talking Signs, and other similar Real Estate and Lending distractions actually COST you effective generation of Real Estate Referrals?
They will NOT send you referrals for a Couple Reasons.
- they forget to
- they dont remember who you are
- they lost your contact infomation
- aren’t reminded to refer you
By the way… the above teachings are all true.
But, if you stay with me for a minute I’ll share with you a couple epiphanies to referral generation. There is nothing new under the sun. Everything has already been developed. I’m not trying to tell you that cold fusion already exists. But there are no ‘New’ ways to do the fundamentals.
Past happy clients will continue, or (again) start to refer you for several reasons.
- You remind them
- you help them remember who you are
- they have your contact infomation
- they know you can help someone
But, the Chief Reason past happy clients will refer you. — RELATIONSHIPS.
Yes. All the teachings of the greats above are about relationships. But, here is Protein of this lesson. The things that clients are energized and stirred by are the same as they have always been.
They will refer you, because of your relationship. They remember to refer you because you remind them of your relationship. …I’m betting you are thinking of the ways that you know
Successful Lead Generation comes from
- Calls (outbound) to past clients. (Call as a friend, think relationship).
- Hand written correspondence (you have heard this before)
- Breaking Bread with Happy Past Clients (You eat with your friends right)
Unfortunately, NAR Surveys have always indicated that Past Clients have intention to Definitely or probably refer their Real Estate Agent (shouldn’t we say the same for mortgage Lender Referrals ) but the actual results are less than stellar.. Why?
Could it be that you know the things to do, but fail to have a system in place to follow through?
Realtors are busy looking for new clients, to pay next month bills. And they forget to do the activities that generate consistent referrals. Most Realtors, but not you Right?
Here is where Referrals Matters comes in our systems:
- remind them who you are
- how to contact you
- remind you to call them
- send hand written corrpondece from you
- consistantly without your involvement
Contact Referrals Matters today to arrange a 15 minute discussion to discover a system that effectively generates Real Estate Referrals. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of Realtor® and Lenders that see this program agree that this system will generate at least 1 Referral per year (more by completing the action steps), per client per year, and sign up…
We cannot get your clients set up on Your Referral Program until you call us..
Call Now (817)723-7223.